6 Tips to make your sales force more pro-active
6 Management Tips for a Pro-Active Sales Force

In our 20+ years of leading sales reps in the pharmaceutical/consumer health sector one of the main things we have learned is how essential it is that our sales force remains proactive in order to effectively drive sales. There are many ways one can foster a more proactive atmosphere throughout your sales staff without increasing administrative work and below are our 6 tips for doing so.

Focus on Sales and Developing Solid Prospects

Make it clear to your employees that securing sales and closing deals are more important than hours worked. Show employees how to properly rank their prospects to ensure that the best prospects are prioritized over the weakest, and focus on developing your employees’ talents towards lead retention and management rather than general sales techniques. Employees may need to be trained in proactive sales techniques rather than passive sales techniques. Passive or conventional sales techniques focus more on the amount of calls and meetings conducted rather than whether the calls and meetings were actually valuable.

Leverage Business Intelligence and Sales Analytics

Business intelligence solutions involve large amounts of data that can be mined to further develop sales prospects. These solutions can tell your employees who to contact and what products they will be most interested in. A solid business intelligence solution will be able to give you detailed sales information, through which you can determine the right products to sell to the right people. Business intelligence can also give a company valuable information regarding the purchasing patterns of businesses and individual contacts before they are approached. Companies interested in fully utilizing business intelligence to increase sales will need to have the appropriate software solutions and staff members trained to use them.

Ensure that Sales Teams Prepare in Advance

It’s very important that sales professionals know how to prime themselves before contacting a potential customer. A sales prospect who is mishandled or improperly communicated with may be lost forever. Use seminars, presentations and other teaching methods to give your sales team the skills they need to succeed.
Consider training courses and practice sessions and thoroughly track your sales team’s performance. Regular reviews and re-training when necessary will keep your sales team on task and effective.

Foster an Environment of Competition and Acknowledgment

Employee incentives are excellent ways to move your sales staff towards proactive behavior. Monitor your sales team’s performance on a regular basis. Allow your employees to compete against each other to ensure that they are always performing their best. Not only does this drive your employees to compete, but it also shows them that you are recognizing and acknowledging their accomplishments. Employees work much better when they know they will be rewarded for their hard work.

Make Their Job Easier through Software Solutions

Fighting with software is the last thing your sales personnel need to be doing with their valuable client acquisition hours. There are many software solutions that will help streamline the sales process and will even help analyze large volumes of data effectively. Having the right software increases productivity across your entire department in addition to making it much easier to monitor reporting from your sales personnel.

Hold Someone Accountable for Metrics and Increase Personal Responsibility

Accountability is an exceptionally important part of driving sales and driving a sales team. Separating sales departments into groups and ensuring that accountability exists either on an individual or group basis is a fast way to make sure that employees are always trying their best. At the same time, having visible metrics, such as employees having the ability to quickly check on where they stand in relation to others, will enforce employees’ own personal accountability and drive them to perform better if necessary. The proper sales force management solutions can provide these functions.

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6 consejos para que su fuerza de ventas sea más proactiva
6 consejos de administración para una fuerza de ventas pro-activa

En nuestros más de 20 años como representantes de ventas líderes en el sector farmacéutico / salud del consumidor, una de las principales cosas que hemos aprendido es la importancia de que nuestra fuerza de ventas siga siendo proactiva para impulsar las ventas de manera efectiva. Hay muchas maneras en las que se puede fomentar una atmósfera más proactiva en todo su personal de ventas sin aumentar el trabajo administrativo. A continuación se encuentran nuestros 6 consejos para hacerlo.

Enfoque en ventas y desarrollo de perspectivas sólidas

Deje en claro a sus empleados que asegurar las ventas y cerrar acuerdos es más importante que las horas trabajadas. Muestre a los empleados cómo clasificar adecuadamente sus perspectivas para garantizar la prioridad delas mejores. Además, céntrese en desarrollar el talento de sus empleados hacia la retención y gestión de clientes potenciales en lugar de las técnicas generales de ventas.
Los empleados pueden necesitar capacitación en técnicas de ventas proactivas en lugar de técnicas de venta pasiva. Estas técnicas se centran más en la cantidad de llamadas y reuniones realizadas que en si las llamadas y reuniones son realmente valiosas.

Aproveche el Business Intelligence y Sales Analytics

Las soluciones deBusiness Intelligenceinvolucran grandes cantidades de datos que se pueden extraer para desarrollar aún más las perspectivas de ventas. Estas soluciones pueden indicar a sus empleados a quién contactar y qué productos les interesarán más.
Una solución de Business Intelligence sólida podrá brindarle información detallada sobre las ventas, a través de la cual puede determinar los productos adecuados para vender a las personas adecuadas. El Business Intelligence también puede proporcionar a una empresa información valiosa sobre los patrones de compra de las empresas y los contactos individuales antes de realizar acercamientos. Las empresas interesadas en utilizar las soluciones de Business Intelligence para aumentar las ventas deberán contar con las soluciones de software adecuadas y el personal capacitado para usarlas.

Asegúrese de que los equipos de ventas se preparen con anticipación

Es muy importante que los profesionales de ventas sepan cómo prepararse antes de ponerse en contacto con un cliente potencial. Una perspectiva de ventas que se maneja mal o se comunica incorrectamente puede perderse para siempre.

Use seminarios, presentaciones y otros métodos de enseñanza para brindar a su equipo de ventas las habilidades que necesitan para tener éxito. Considere cursos de formación, sesiones prácticas y seguimientos exhaustivos del rendimiento de su equipo de ventas.

Las revisiones regulares y la realización de cursos de reciclaje cuando sea necesario mantendrán a su equipo de ventas actualizado y efectivo.

Fomentar un entorno de competencia y reconocimiento.

Los incentivos para empleados son excelentes para empujar a su personal de ventas hacia un comportamiento proactivo. Controle el rendimiento de su equipo de ventas de forma regular. Permita que sus empleados compitan entre sí para asegurarse de que siempre están rindiendo al máximo. Esto no solo impulsa a sus empleados a competir, sino que también les muestra que está reconociendo sus logros. Los empleados trabajan mucho mejor cuando saben que serán recompensados por su trabajo.

Haga su trabajo más fácil a través de soluciones de software

La lucha contra el software es lo último que su personal de ventas debe hacer con sus valiosas horas de adquisición de clientes. Existen muchas soluciones de software que ayudarán a agilizar el proceso de ventas e incluso ayudarán a analizar grandes volúmenes de datos de manera efectiva. Tener el software adecuado aumenta la productividad en su departamento, además de facilitar el monitoreo de los informes de su personal de ventas.

Contrate a alguien responsable de las cifras y aumente la responsabilidad personal

La contabilidad es una parte fundamental para el departamentode ventas y dirigir un equipo de ventas.

La separación de los departamentos de ventas en grupos y la garantía de que exista una responsabilidad individual o grupal es una forma rápida de asegurarse de que los empleados siempre están haciendo todo lo posible.

Además, tener cifras visibles, como por ejemplo, que los empleados puedan saber cuál es su posición respecto a otros compañeros, mejorará la responsabilidad personal de los empleados y los empujará a rendir mejor si es necesario. Las soluciones adecuadas de gestión de la fuerza de ventas pueden proporcionar estas funciones.

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Reduce the time your reps spend reporting and the time you spend analyzing

Traditional forms of end of day sales activity reporting are possibly the least favorite part of a field sales rep’s day. Analyzing the fragmented information for the manager is cumbersome as well and getting actionable conclusions difficult. But the combination of mobile devices with intelligent APPs and Web Platforms can transform a time logging activity into insights that can drive sales productivity further while reducing chores.

Reduce the time you spend tracking your sales reps

Reporting of sales activities is a drag. Most sales reps we know dislike it. When you are on the road all day, the last thing you want to do when you get back home or to the hotel room is type up everything you did. This is another reason why sales representatives on the road might not fully utilize CRMs and keep track of conversations with clients. So for the sales manager keeping track of what’s going on in the road becomes also tedious with fragmented pieces of a puzzle here and there. Fortunately nowadays mobile devices might make this a lot less painful and more efficient. Leaving you time to manage your team better and drive productivity up. Most mobile devices out there, ipads, iPhones, and other mobile smartphones and tablets, have some way of tracking its location, with a user’s permission of course, from GPS tracking to cell tower triangulation to wifi signal triangulation. Furthermore, intelligent software on our smart devices can keep track of interactions with it and report this silently to a web server or API.

Automation is the key to overcome these hurdles

Various kinds of activity generate different sets of information, and software can bring it all together, digesting and presenting the information graphically in a way that is relevant to the manager and useful to the sales force. For example the manager could see a birds eye view of client interactions that resulted in sales, by rep or globally. And drill down into which interactions yielded a better outcome. For example: A bird’s eye view would show the teams number of sales calls vs the ones that resulted in sales. Or the teams overall use of collateral and which collateral resulted in sales. Or you could see that one particular rep is exceptional selling one of your products and drill down to see if there was anything about how he works, which collateral she uses, how long do they spend a certain collateral or per client and glean some useful information for the rest of your sales people in a fraction of the time with traditional reporting systems.

How the information is displayed is also essential

Ever try to decipher somebody else’s spreadsheet? Tables are not exactly the most intuitive way to display information. They say only the person creating the table really
understand the information at a glance. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and this is also true of statistical information.
How the reporting data is digested and visually presented to you also plays a big role in how useful it is and how efficiently you can analyze it. For example, if the information is in spreadsheet table format with the number of interactions vs sales, you could read every line and try to keep track of who among your many salespeople does better. That’s a lot of numbers to keep in your memory! But what if the information was displayed in a bar graph with longer bars representing those reps with a higher performance. At a glance you would be able to see who you want to drill down to analyze, to see if there’s something you can share with the rest of the team.

Spend your time devising sales strategies not analyzing data

With today’s mobile devices and business intelligence or analytics software the goal should be to reduce as much as possible the time you spend digging through the reports (the data) If the information you need is right there, pre-digested for you, in a format easy to read at a glance, then you free up time to think critically about the tools, the collateral, the campaigns and so forth that can drive growth.

Use mobile devices, mobile APPs and Web APPs to automate and reduce the time spent analyzing sales reports and activities and increase the time spent on coming up with new strategies and growing sales.

Concluding, reporting and analyzing sales calls activity and effectiveness has traditionally been a cumbersome task for both reps and managers. But software on the mobile devices and web APPs can streamline this process and add an intelligence layer to it with a double benefit end result: Less after hours activities for the reps, more productivity for the sales manager. Thus, eliminating a friction point for the reps and allowing the managers to concentrate in what at the end of the day really matters: driving sales and productivity of their sales team Up.

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