Daniel Pera. VP of Sales, Bebe Innova We have been using NubiQ foro ver three years with our pharmaceutical sales force in Spain and Portugal. NubiQ has been a 180 degree turn in how we work on day to day basis. Our sales team has seen the biggest benefit along with our clients. We presen tour products now with rich visuals, very professionaly, processing orders right from the point of sale and improving how our reps prepare for a call with a glance at the historical information of the client or rep right at the point of sale. It also allows reporting to managers right from the point of sale. All these advantages mean saving time, more productivity and growth of sales. Great call on our company’s part for deploying NubiQ.
Rafael Picón Campos, Gerente de Eurolab farma Managing Director Eurolab Farma We had been looking for over 10 years and testing different software to presen tour products to pharmaceutical retailers. We were looking for a software that would allow us to have a catalogue clearly orginized, that could be shown at the retailer’s location quickly and intuitively, and that it would also allow us to record the sale without wasting a second. With NubiQ we have achived all this. The results are evident. Ever since we have NubiQ we have seen a sizeable increase in the sales production of all of our reps.
NubiQ is built for any business that has a sales force. The main industries where NubiQ shines are those where the number of products a rep carries is high. Below are a few examples